Extraordinary Achievement

True or false? It takes large amounts of money in order to achieve the extraordinary. Perhaps you might think this is a trick question. For me, it is a very valid question.
You see, I have noticed that most people have the desire to accomplish or attain something extraordinary in their businesses, careers or personal affairs. I have heard many reasons why a thing couldn’t be attained. The most common reason I hear is the lack of money.
Now let’s think about this question of extraordinary achievement. What does it mean? It means to me getting something that is beyond the ordinary. What is ordinary? To me, it means the routine or traditional activities that we become accustomed to over time. Ordinary things or activities seem to always be the same. This seems to be a fair explanation of the differences between what is extraordinary versus ordinary.
I think it’s safe to say that ordinary activities occur from traditional or routine methods. This means that extraordinary accomplishments require extraordinary methods-and to me, that starts with the person.
Regardless of how much money you have, there is no guarantee you will achieve anything extraordinary. Traditional thinking, old habits, or low self-esteem are the factors that bind us in limitations. If you truly desire to achieve the extraordinary, you must begin to feel, think and act in a way that launches you toward that achievement.
There are many people who have appeared ordinary, but who possessed an extraordinary quality. Although they may have looked average, within them was an extraordinary ideal, which eventually became a driving force within them. And with that force, they soared to the heights.
We have all had this experience in one form or another, perhaps in a very small way, but if you look closely, you’ll discover what I mean. We have all come to points in our lives where we saw something greater than everybody else around us did. At some time, maybe we had an idea for improving a product. Or perhaps we had dreams of the ideal lifestyle. Whatever inspired us, it was probably an ideal that you felt important enough to think about pursuing.
It is in having high ideals and constantly raising those ideals that drives people to go beyond the ordinary. Pursuing high ideals with a fierce determination must result in some extraordinary accomplishment. It doesn’t matter if it comes to an individual or a group. The point that everyone should understand is that the higher the ideal, the greater will be the accomplishments. You may never reach the ideal, but your consciousness will certainly and constantly be raised. You will acquire a quality of character that will compel you to keep reaching higher and higher. The marvelous thing is that you’ll realize how simple and natural it is to achieve what others will think is extraordinary.

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